We are generally interested in hearing, hearing loss, and hearing healthcare. One major focus of our work is in understanding the physiology and biophysics related to sounds created in the inner ear (otoacoustic emissions). We record these sounds using small microphones placed in the ear and attempt to understand the workings of the inner ear by analyzing them in various ways. We are also keenly interested in using these sounds to detect malfunction of the ear at the earliest. A second major focus is on hearing healthcare delivery. Here we are interested in understanding why so few people seek hearing health care. Once we identify barriers to access, we attempt to devise tools and methods to remove these barriers, thereby improving the affordability and accessibility of hearing health care.
Cochlear Mechanics and OAEs

- Glavin, CC, Dhar, S(2025)The Ins and Outs of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission Growth: A Review. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 26 (1):17-32.
- Glavin, CC, Dhar, S, Goodman, SS(2023)Measurement of swept level distortion product otoacoustic emission growth functions at multiple frequencies simultaneously. JASA Express Lett 3 (6):.
- Glavin, CC, Siegel, J, Dhar, S(2021)Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission (DPOAE) Growth in Aging Ears with Clinically Normal Behavioral Thresholds. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 22 (6):659-680.
Hearing Across the Lifespan

- Poling, GL, Siegel, JH, Lee, J, Dhar, S(2022)The influence of self-reported noise exposure on 2ƒ1-ƒ2 distortion product otoacoustic emission level, fine structure, and components in a normal-hearing population. J Acoust Soc Am 151 (4):2391.
- Glavin, CC, Siegel, J, Dhar, S(2021)Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission (DPOAE) Growth in Aging Ears with Clinically Normal Behavioral Thresholds. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 22 (6):659-680.
- Cornwell, T et al.(2020)Walking With Ears: Altered Auditory Feedback Impacts Gait Step Length in Older Adults. Front Sports Act Living 2 :38.
Hearing Healthcare

- Klyn, NAM, Letendre, C, Shrestha, N, Lambert, BL, Dhar, S(2021)Interpretability of the audiogram by audiologists and physician non-specialists. Int J Audiol 60 (2):133-139.
- Klyn, NAM et al.(2019)CEDRA: A Tool to Help Consumers Assess Risk for Ear Disease. Ear Hear 40 (6):1261-1266.
- Kleindienst, SJ et al.(2018)Errors in Items and Algorithm in Questionnaire Used in Validation Study. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 144 (5):462.
- Klyn, NAM et al.(2018)A Retrospective Estimate of Ear Disease Detection Using the "Red Flags" in a Clinical Sample. Ear Hear 39 (5):1035-1038.
- Kleindienst, SJ et al.(2017)Development and Initial Validation of a Consumer Questionnaire to Predict the Presence of Ear Disease. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 143 (10):983-989.
- Kleindienst, SJ et al.(2016)Identifying and Prioritizing Diseases Important for Detection in Adult Hearing Health Care. Am J Audiol 25 (3):224-31.
Participate in Research
We are looking for research participants between 7 and 79 years of age. Our projects typically require filling out questionnaires and participating in measurements of your hearing. The hearing tests are all done using regular earbuds much like the kind you might use to listen to a music player or phone.
Learn More About Participating
Tools For All
The Consumer Ear Disease Risk Assessment is a questionnaire to be used by seekers of hearing aids. The questionnaire gives you a risk score to help you determine whether you should see a physician or audiologist before purchasing hearing aids to rule out other ear diseases.

Sumitrajit (Sumit) Dhar
Principal TroublemakerSumit’s scientific interests include otoacoustic emissions, cochlear mechanics, and hearing health care.

Mary Meskan
Assistant InstigatorMary is an audiologist with clinical and research experience. Her interests include improving access to hearing healthcare.

Jasleen Singh
Postdoctoral FellowJasleen is a clinically trained audiologist. Her scientific interests include making hearing aid technologies more accessible to older adults, and improving access to hearing healthcare.

Courtney Coburn Glavin
PhD StudentCourtney is a clinically trained audiologist. She is interested in using otoacoustic emissions to better understand how the ear changes with age and in response to environmental insults.

Anna Pitman
Research Study CoordinatorAnna is the Research Study Coordinator for the lab’s P-CHAT study. Her research interest at the lab is improving access to hearing healthcare.
Tools For Us
BibCat is our internal library of papers we have read.
Contact Us
Address: Auditory Research Laboratory; 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, Illinois 60208
Phone: 847 467 0331
Email: nuhearing@gmail.com