

2021 - 2025

  1. Glavin, CC, Dhar, S(2025)The Ins and Outs of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission Growth: A Review. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 26 (1):17-32.
  2. Stiepan, S, Dhar, SA Variable-Stimulus Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission Screening Method to Match Cochlear Place-Specific Properties. Ear Hear 46 (2):421-432.
  3. Baiduc, RR et al.(2022)Hearing Loss and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Profiles: Data from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. J Am Acad Audiol 33 (9-10):445-459.
  4. Humes, LE et al.(2024)A Perspective on Auditory Wellness: What It Is, Why It Is Important, and How It Can Be Managed. Trends Hear 28 :23312165241273342.
  5. Singh, J, Dhar, S(2023)Customer Archetypes in Hearing Health Care. Am J Audiol 32 (4):941-949.
  6. Arnold, ML et al.(2023)Risk factors associated with occupational noise-induced hearing loss in the Hispanic community health study/study of Latinos: A cross-sectional epidemiologic investigation. J Occup Environ Hyg 20 (12):586-597.
  7. Singh, J, Dhar, S(2023)Omission of Sources for 2 Questions in Survey Instrument. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 149 (9):854-855.
  8. Glavin, CC, Dhar, S, Goodman, SS(2023)Measurement of swept level distortion product otoacoustic emission growth functions at multiple frequencies simultaneously. JASA Express Lett 3 (6):.
  9. Singh, J, Dhar, S(2023)Assessment of Consumer Attitudes Following Recent Changes in the US Hearing Health Care Market. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 149 (3):247-252.
  10. Stiepan, S, Goodman, SS, Dhar, S(2022)Optimizing distortion product otoacoustic emission recordings in normal-hearing ears by adopting cochlear place-specific stimuli. J Acoust Soc Am 152 (2):776.
  11. Durante, AS, Shaheen Akhtar, U, Dhar, SDistortion Product Otoacoustic Emission Component Behavior as a Function of Primary Frequency Ratio and Primary Level. Ear Hear 43 (6):1824-1835.
  12. Poling, GL, Siegel, JH, Lee, J, Dhar, S(2022)The influence of self-reported noise exposure on 2ƒ12 distortion product otoacoustic emission level, fine structure, and components in a normal-hearing population. J Acoust Soc Am 151 (4):2391.
  13. Arnold, ML et al.(2022)Sex-Specific Prevalence, Demographic Characteristics, and Risk Factors of Tinnitus in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Am J Audiol 31 (1):78-90.
  14. Boothalingam, S, Goodman, SS, MacCrae, H, Dhar, S(2021)A Time-Course-Based Estimation of the Human Medial Olivocochlear Reflex Function Using Clicks. Front Neurosci 15 :746821.
  15. Hernández-Pérez, H et al.(2021)Understanding degraded speech leads to perceptual gating of a brainstem reflex in human listeners. PLoS Biol 19 (10):e3001439.
  16. Glavin, CC, Siegel, J, Dhar, S(2021)Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission (DPOAE) Growth in Aging Ears with Clinically Normal Behavioral Thresholds. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 22 (6):659-680.
  17. Sternasty, K, Dhar, S(2021)Barriers to Hearing Aid Adoption Run Deeper Than the Price Tag. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 147 (6):498-499.
  18. Gatlin, AE, Dhar, S(2021)History and Lingering Impact of the Arbitrary 25-dB Cutoff for Normal Hearing. Am J Audiol 30 (1):231-234.
  19. Arnold, ML et al.(2021)Factors Associated With Self-Perceived Hearing Handicap in Adults From Hispanic/Latino Background: Findings From the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Ear Hear 42 (4):762-771.
  20. Wilson, US et al.(2021)Cochlear tuning estimates from level ratio functions of distortion product otoacoustic emissions. Int J Audiol 60 (11):890-899.
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2016 - 2020

  1. Cornwell, T et al.(2020)Walking With Ears: Altered Auditory Feedback Impacts Gait Step Length in Older Adults. Front Sports Act Living 2 :38.
  2. Klyn, NAM, Letendre, C, Shrestha, N, Lambert, BL, Dhar, S(2021)Interpretability of the audiogram by audiologists and physician non-specialists. Int J Audiol 60 (2):133-139.
  3. Wilson, US et al.(2020)Relationship Between Behavioral and Stimulus Frequency Otoacoustic Emissions Delay-Based Tuning Estimates. J Speech Lang Hear Res 63 (6):1958-1968.
  4. Hunter, LL et al.(2020)Extended high frequency hearing and speech perception implications in adults and children. Hear Res 397 :107922.
  5. Sabin, AT, Van Tasell, DJ, Rabinowitz, B, Dhar, S(2020)Validation of a Self-Fitting Method for Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids. Trends Hear 24 :2331216519900589.
  6. Munson Klyn, NA, Mohammed Shaikh, Z, Dhar, S(2020)Health Literacy and Self-Reported Hearing Aid Use in the Health and Retirement Study. Ear Hear 41 (2):386-394.
  7. Stiepan, S, Siegel, J, Lee, J, Souza, P, Dhar, S(2020)The Association Between Physiological Noise Levels and Speech Understanding in Noise. Ear Hear 41 (2):461-464.
  8. Arnold, ML et al.(2019)Hearing Aid Prevalence and Factors Related to Use Among Older Adults From the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 145 (6):501-508.
  9. Klyn, NAM et al.(2019)CEDRA: A Tool to Help Consumers Assess Risk for Ear Disease. Ear Hear 40 (6):1261-1266.
  10. Marian, V, Lam, TQ, Hayakawa, S, Dhar, S(2018)Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions Reveal an Efficient Auditory Efferent Network. J Speech Lang Hear Res 61 (11):2827-2832.
  11. Sisto, R, Wilson, US, Dhar, S, Moleti, A(2018)Modeling the dependence of the distortion product otoacoustic emission response on primary frequency ratio. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 19 (5):511-522.
  12. Baiduc, RR, Dhar, S(2018)Exploring Optimal Stimulus Frequency Ratio for Measurement of the Quadratic f2-f1 Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission in Humans. J Speech Lang Hear Res 61 (7):1794-1806.
  13. Marian, V, Lam, TQ, Hayakawa, S, Dhar, S(2018)Top-Down Cognitive and Linguistic Influences on the Suppression of Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions. Front Neurosci 12 :378.
  14. Boothalingam, S, Kurke, J, Dhar, S(2018)Click-Evoked Auditory Efferent Activity: Rate and Level Effects. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 19 (4):421-434.
  15. Kleindienst, SJ et al.(2018)Errors in Items and Algorithm in Questionnaire Used in Validation Study. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 144 (5):462.
  16. Klyn, NAM et al.(2018)A Retrospective Estimate of Ear Disease Detection Using the "Red Flags" in a Clinical Sample. Ear Hear 39 (5):1035-1038.
  17. Dewey, JB, Dhar, S(2017)A common microstructure in behavioral hearing thresholds and stimulus-frequency otoacoustic emissions. J Acoust Soc Am 142 (5):3069.
  18. Kleindienst, SJ et al.(2017)Development and Initial Validation of a Consumer Questionnaire to Predict the Presence of Ear Disease. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 143 (10):983-989.
  19. Dewey, JB, Dhar, S(2017)Profiles of Stimulus-Frequency Otoacoustic Emissions from 0.5 to 20 kHz in Humans. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 18 (1):89-110.
  20. Kleindienst, SJ et al.(2016)Identifying and Prioritizing Diseases Important for Detection in Adult Hearing Health Care. Am J Audiol 25 (3):224-31.
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2011 - 2015

  1. Zhao, W, Dewey, JB, Boothalingam, S, Dhar, S(2015)Efferent Modulation of Stimulus Frequency Otoacoustic Emission Fine Structure. Front Syst Neurosci 9 :168.
  2. Ingvalson, EM, Dhar, S, Wong, PC, Liu, H(2015)Working memory training to improve speech perception in noise across languages. J Acoust Soc Am 137 (6):3477-86.
  3. Cruickshanks, KJ et al.(2015)Hearing Impairment Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 141 (7):641-8.
  4. Souza, NN, Dhar, S, Neely, ST, Siegel, JH(2014)Comparison of nine methods to estimate ear-canal stimulus levels. J Acoust Soc Am 136 (4):1768-87.
  5. Dewey, JB, Lee, J, Dhar, S(2014)Effects of contralateral acoustic stimulation on spontaneous otoacoustic emissions and hearing threshold fine structure. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 15 (6):897-914.
  6. Abdala, C, Dhar, S, Ahmadi, M, Luo, P(2014)Aging of the medial olivocochlear reflex and associations with speech perception. J Acoust Soc Am 135 (2):754-65.
  7. Calandruccio, L, Bradlow, AR, Dhar, S(2014)Speech-on-speech masking with variable access to the linguistic content of the masker speech for native and nonnative english speakers. J Am Acad Audiol 25 (4):355-66.
  8. Baiduc, RR, Lee, J, Dhar, S(2014)Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions, threshold microstructure, and psychophysical tuning over a wide frequency range in humans. J Acoust Soc Am 135 (1):300-14.
  9. Poling, GL, Siegel, JH, Lee, J, Lee, J, Dhar, S(2014)Characteristics of the 2f(1)-f(2) distortion product otoacoustic emission in a normal hearing population. J Acoust Soc Am 135 (1):287-99.
  10. Zhao, W, Dhar, S(2012)Frequency tuning of the contralateral medial olivocochlear reflex in humans. J Neurophysiol 108 (1):25-30.
  11. Lee, J et al.(2012)Behavioral hearing thresholds between 0.125 and 20 kHz using depth-compensated ear simulator calibration. Ear Hear 33 (3):315-29.
  12. Dhar, S, Rogers, A, Abdala, C(2011)Breaking away: violation of distortion emission phase-frequency invariance at low frequencies. J Acoust Soc Am 129 (5):3115-22.
  13. Zhao, W, Dhar, S(2011)Fast and slow effects of medial olivocochlear efferent activity in humans. PLoS One 6 (4):e18725.
  14. Sabin, AT, Hardies, L, Marrone, N, Dhar, S(2011)Weighting function-based mapping of descriptors to frequency-gain curves in listeners with hearing loss. Ear Hear 32 (3):399-409.
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2006 - 2010

  1. Wong, PC, Ettlinger, M, Sheppard, JP, Gunasekera, GM, Dhar, S(2010)Neuroanatomical characteristics and speech perception in noise in older adults. Ear Hear 31 (4):471-9.
  2. Deeter, R, Abel, R, Calandruccio, L, Dhar, S(2009)Contralateral acoustic stimulation alters the magnitude and phase of distortion product otoacoustic emissions. J Acoust Soc Am 126 (5):2413-24.
  3. Zhao, W, Dhar, S(2010)The effect of contralateral acoustic stimulation on spontaneous otoacoustic emissions. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 11 (1):53-67.
  4. Worthington, DA et al.(2009)Comparing two methods to measure preferred listening levels of personal listening devices. J Acoust Soc Am 125 (6):3733-41.
  5. Dhar, S et al.(2009)Exploring the relationship between physiological measures of cochlear and brainstem function. Clin Neurophysiol 120 (5):959-66.
  6. Klemp, EJ, Dhar, S(2008)Speech perception in noise using directional microphones in open-canal hearing aids. J Am Acad Audiol 19 (7):571-8.
  7. Wong, PC et al.(2009)Aging and cortical mechanisms of speech perception in noise. Neuropsychologia 47 (3):693-703.
  8. Wong, PC, Uppunda, AK, Parrish, TB, Dhar, S(2008)Cortical mechanisms of speech perception in noise. J Speech Lang Hear Res 51 (4):1026-41.
  9. Dhar, S, Abdala, C(2007)A comparative study of distortion-product-otoacoustic-emission fine structure in human newborns and adults with normal hearing. J Acoust Soc Am 122 (4):2191-202.
  10. Ferro, LM, Tanner, G, Erler, SF, Erickson, K, Dhar, S(2007)Comparison of universal newborn hearing screening programs in Illinois hospitals. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 71 (2):217-30.
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2001 - 2005

  1. Dhar, S, Long, GR, Talmadge, CL, Tubis, A(2005)The effect of stimulus-frequency ratio on distortion product otoacoustic emission components. J Acoust Soc Am 117 (6):3766-76.
  2. Withnell, RH, Dhar, S, Thomsen, A(2005)A comparison of OAEs arising from different generation mechanisms in guinea pig. Hear Res 207 (1-2):76-86.
  3. Dhar, S, Shaffer, LA(2004)Effects of a suppressor tone on distortion product otoacoustic emissions fine structure: why a universal suppressor level is not a practical solution to obtaining single-generator DP-grams. Ear Hear 25 (6):573-85.
  4. Dhar, S, Humes, LE, Calandruccio, L, Barlow, NN, Hipskind, N(2004)Predictability of speech-in-noise performance from real ear measures of directional hearing AIDS. Ear Hear 25 (2):147-58.
  5. Shaffer, LA et al.(2003)Sources and mechanisms of DPOAE generation: implications for the prediction of auditory sensitivity. Ear Hear 24 (5):367-79.
  6. Dhar, S, Talmadge, CL, Long, GR, Tubis, A(2002)Multiple internal reflections in the cochlea and their effect on DPOAE fine structure. J Acoust Soc Am 112 (6):2882-97.
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Before 2001

  1. Tubis, A, Talmadge, CL, Tong, C, Dhar, S(2000)On the relationships between the fixed-f1, fixed-f2, and fixed-ratio phase derivatives of the 2f1-f2 distortion product otoacoustic emission. J Acoust Soc Am 108 (4):1772-85.
  2. Strickland, EA, Dhar, S(2000)An analysis of quasi-frequency-modulated noise and random-sideband noise as comparisons for amplitude-modulated noise. J Acoust Soc Am 108 (2):735-42.
  3. Ricketts, T, Dhar, S(1999)Comparison of performance across three directional hearing aids. J Am Acad Audiol 10 (4):180-9.
  4. Dhar, S, Long, GR, Culpepper, NB(1998)The dependence of the distortion product 2f1-f2 on primary levels in non-impaired human ears. J Speech Lang Hear Res 41 (6):1307-18.
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